The “Human and the World” series delves into the complex interaction between humans and the environment. This collection of sculptures serves as a reflection of how humanity perceives, influences, and utilizes the resources of the world around us.
Name: Golden man
Material: Plaster, gold paint
Size: H 4.7 in × W 6.6 in × D 3.1 in | H 12 cm × W 17 cm × D 8 cm
Year: 2022
Name: Conquering space, polluting the Earth
Material: Plaster, gold paint
Size: H 3.5 in × W 3.5 in × D 3.5 in | H 9 cm × W 9 cm × D 9 cm
Year: 2022
Name: Flat egg
Material: Metal
Size: H 1.2 in × W 0.8 in × D 0.2 in | H 3 cm × W 2 cm × D 0.7 cm
Year: 2022